vow: growing in tolerance for frustrations, conflicts, and pressure


understanding that it is hard to solve problems in consideration to how frustrating or pressuring it may be, i learn how to control myself and tolerate these conflicts.

i know life isn’t easy. there are ups and downs and full-on twists and turns, and that is understandingly ridiculous, but it is so – for us to learn and to overcome them. for, if we do not learn to push past our feelings on the surface, we would never grow out of it or be able to better ourselves. some people still have strong fears that they have kept to themselves since their childhood. some people obliterated their fears with the extreme. at some point in your life, you will experience being frustrated, under serious pressure, and/or in a conflict of any manner or situation. what we should learn to do is how to grow our composure and cope with these problems so that we may be able to smooth out the very rough and high bumps that life puts on our roads.

an example of me being stressed out to the point where all i could do was either cry, scream, or procrastinate and avoid it—would be me in current high school. whether it’s the term’s exams week, or another busy, hair-splitting week, the constant push and push for me to give in all my efforts could be seriously stressing. my hair begins to fall out, i break out, i get the weirdest, pounding headaches, i feel dizzy most of the time, i get little to no sleep at all, and, to add to that, i feel so depressed to the point where i lose all my self-confidence and my will to do anything.

i literally just cannot do most things i should be able to do when i’m depressed. it’s like the switch for the ‘capability to do normal or important things or anything at all’ is off, 0, and my productivity levels over the whole week is so low that i end up crying then desperately asking my friends to help me and help cheer me up as well. it’s embarrassing, but it’s the truth to it—how my anxiety and depression act up when i’m stressed or under pressure. i have to put myself in a personal space bubble and try to think of nothing to calm myself down. when that is not possible and i end up thinking about how stupid and embarrassing it is that i cannot do something, i end up breathing too quickly, too shortly, and i begin to cry and panic.

it is hard having to deal with your problems all by yourself, especially if they get so big and you end up having to tell others personal things just to carry it off your chest a little. that’s okay. no one says you had to live your whole life all by yourself. you need others who can support you and carry the weight with you, people who can motivate you and be there for you. no man is an island. i learned to accept that we can’t always have it our way in life, and that we must also realise that stress allows us to realise when we must tone ourselves down and what we can do to improve our way of doing things so that we may not become stressed or confused, so that we may become more tolerable.